How lifestyle affects hair loss

How lifestyle affects hair loss?

How lifestyle affects hair loss Hair loss in Islamabad is among the most likely matters that people experience nowadays, it influences psychological conditions and physical health. But how lifestyle affect hair loss? This is important against hair loss as it will enable them to understand how specific behaviors are likely to affect their hair. This we shall discuss in this blog and also at some of the ways we can adopt to grow quality hair.

The Role of Diet in Hair Condition

Nutrition is one of the most important factors impacting hair health. Any deficiency in vitamins and minerals proves hazardous for hair and may result in thinning or shedding hair.

Nutrient Deficiencies:

Protein: Hair is made of a protein called keratin. When hair gets compromised with proteins of the body, the resulting hair strands are weaker and thinner and slow in growth.

Iron: Iron deficiency can be the reason for alopecia, especially for ladies. Iron is needed for oxygen transport by red blood cells to the hair follicles. If hair follicles do not receive enough oxygen, hair growth can be slowed or stopped.

Vitamins and Minerals: Essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as minerals such as zinc and biotin for hair health. Lack of these nutrients is likely to cause hair thinning and hairlessness at different stages.

Dietary Habits:

Crash Dieting: Cruising either excessively or eating very little can harm your system and thus your body is starved of some essential vitamins and nutrients important in hair growth. 

Hydration: Water is important for the organism and, therefore, it affects hair as well. Lack of water causes hair to become rough and weak, and probably split at any given time.

Stress and Its Impact on Hair

Another cause of madarosis is stress. It influences the body in various ways and it plays a big role in the growth of hair.

Telogen Effluvium:

Stress causes this shift of many more hair follicles into the resting phase (telogen phase). Sustained stress prolongs the shedding cycle, leading to hair loss in normal conditions.

Alopecia Areata:

Very intense tension can cause alopecia areata a disease where the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles leading to alopecia.

Coping Mechanisms:

Through exercising, meditating, or engaging in other stress-reducing activities, an individual can manage hormonal stress and lower the impact on their hair. Maintaining good mental health is just as important as maintaining good physical health for keeping your hair in good condition.

Impacts of Hair Management

Incorrect care for the hair usually results in breakage, drying up, and consequently loss of hair.


Blow dryers, flat irons, curling wands, and other similar heat application tools can harm hair wellness; they make hair strands weaker, and the hair falls easily. Hairdressers also mentioned that certain hairstyles apply pressure on hair resulting in hair breakage. As ponytails or braids lead to traction alopecia, a type of baldness promoted by pressure constantly exerted on hair.

Chemical Treatments:

Even though chemical relaxing perming, and hair dye treatments are prevalent among many women, they have severe repercussions including damaging the hair shaft and lengthening hair follicles, which consequently causes hair loss and hair thinning.

Proper Hair Care:

For hair care, one must clean it with gentle shampoos that contain no sulfites and condition it properly to give the hair the nourishment it needs without making it dry. This also helps in managing split ends as well as breaking hair.

Lifestyle Processes and Environmental Factors

Apart from diet and tension as well as care for the hair, other factors affect hair and skin health.


Smoking has been found to cause hair thinning by interfering with blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby starving them of oxygen and essential nutrients. The chemicals in cigarettes can injure and harm DNA near the papilla during the telogen phase, altering this growth stage and resulting in weaker hair and hair loss.


Sleeping well is very important for the body especially as it relates to hair growth. The effect of sleep deprivation results in hormonal changes and altered hair regeneration cycles causing hair loss.

Sun Exposure and Pollution:

The outside environment particularly too much exposure to the sun can harm the hair shaft and display characteristics of dry and damaged hair. In the same way, chemicals in the environment degrade hair strength thus making it prone to breakage or loss.

Final Thoughts:

Some of the reasons that lead to hair loss are not negotiable. That is why, a proper diet, stress regulation, accurate hair treatment, and smoking cessation all may help prevent hair loss and in growing healthy hair. You should visit the best surgeon, Dr. Naveed Azhar at RHT, and discuss your alopecia-related problems with him. Visit Royal Hair Transplant-PK if you are facing any problems with hair loss due to lifestyle.

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