To begin with, the most effective thing that will prove very helpful in the treatment of hair loss is to find the cause of hair loss. The most important cause of hair loss is genetic, which means it can be passed from one person to another through the process of inheritance. Although the causes may vary yet the board-certified surgeon will be able to distinguish the causes as well as the treatment option that will be most effective and viable for you. The occurrence of hair loss (alopecia) is common and it can affect a wide range of age groups like from children to old age groups. Yet the prevalence is more in older individuals greater than 60 years of age. It can happen in both ways i.e. both gradually or abruptly. As the disease is highly individualized hence the Hair Loss Treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan must be highly customized.


The hair fall is normal. Usually, the number of hair that is lost by a normal person per day is 100 to 200. But they are always replaced by new hairs. Baldness occurs when the new hair does not replace the fallen hair.  The most common causes of hair loss may include:

Hereditary causes:

The loss of hair because of this reason is also called androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. The most common symptom in females is receding hairline and bald spots. In males, the symptom is thinning hair along the crown.

Hormonal Changes:

Certain hormonal conditions and also medical conditions may contribute to hair loss. This consists of immune system-related, results in patchy hair loss, ringworm infections of the scalp, and the hair-pulling condition trichotillomania.


Anticancer, antidepressants, drugs related to cardiac abnormalities, and drugs used to treat arthritis can become causes of hair loss as a side effect of those drugs.

Radiation Therapy:

If your body undergoes radiation therapy then the growth of hair at that position is difficult.


Stress can contribute to hair loss even after several months. Although this is a temporary condition yet


Trauma, such as trichotillomania, or the compulsive pulling and breaking of one’s own hair, and traction alopecia, are both caused by hairstyles that traumatise the hair follicles.


The type of symptoms that appear in hair loss may vary depending upon the cause of loss. As the loss can occur both suddenly or gradually. It can also differ on the base that what part of the body has been affected. I.e. either the head or other part of the body.

Some of the symptoms are:

  • The top of the head gradually loses the thickness of hairs
  • Patches of or circular baldness
  • Unexpected hair shedding
  • Complete body hair loss
  • Scaly patches that spread across the scalp


The first and foremost step in the diagnosis of hair loss cause is to ask the patient some basic questions. Your trichologist will:

  • Blood test: he may ask you to get a complete blood count profile. They will tell you about the existence of any nutrient deficiency.
  • Basic questions: Ask questions like the duration of hair loss. He will also ask about the pattern.
  • Biopsy: Your doctor will examine your nails, scalp and other body parts to find out the exact cause.
  • Pull test: He may gently pull your hair. This can give him enough information about the health of your hair and how to treat them afterwards.
  • Light microscope: Hairs that have been clipped at their bases are examined by your doctor using a special tool. Possible problems with the hair shaft can be found using microscopy.

Ideal Candidate For hair loss Treatment in Islamabad:

Ideal candidates for the procedure may consist of:

  • Those men who are suffering from male pattern baldness
  • If you have small patches of fallen hair
  • Women with pattern baldness (genetic cases)
  • Burns or other scalp injuries may also cause hair loss
  • If your hair loss is recent

Those who do not suit fit for the procedure may include:

  • It is not for those women who have split hair loss, wide-spread loss or pattern hair loss
  • If the number of donor sites is not enough
  • If keloid scars have been formed because of trauma, surgery, burns, or radiation injury


If you have any unexpected hair loss, you may consult with your doctor. He will first determine the cause and then will give you a customized plan.

You must tell about any unusual symptoms of hair loss like:

  • Unexplained hair loss
  • Tiredness
  • Fever
  • Rashes and swelling

Hair Loss Treatment Procedures:

Hair loss may be treated by various procedures. A combination of some techniques like medications as well as other methods may contribute. So if you are thinking about getting the treatment for hair loss then the first question which arises in your mind is maybe what is the best treatment for hair loss? To answer this question following are some methods:

Hair Grafting or Hair Transplant:

Another name for hair grafting is hair transplant. This procedure may consist of removing hair follicles from the donor site and implanting them on the required site. The number of hair per graft contains 1 to 2 hairs while slit grafts may contain 4 to 10 grafts per transplant. In punch grafts, the number of hair may range between 10 to 15. Mini grafts may have 2 to 4 hairs while strip grafts have 30 to 40 hairs per graft. This is a painful procedure so the injection of local anaesthesia is necessary prior to the procedure.

Reduction of the scalp:

The non-hair-producing part of the scalp is reduced. That part of the scalp is removed and the remaining part of the scalp that is able to produce hair is stretched. This may rescue the area of baldness to half. This procedure is beneficial for the top and back of the head only.


This procedure can stimulate the growth of new hairs. Hereditary hair loss is the main type that is deals with this procedure. This procedure needs to be conjoined with other methods like platelet-rich plasma or a corticosteroid. This will improve hair growth to many folds. The type of device treating the hair may contain longer needles.

Platelet‐rich plasma:

PRP is a concentration of many growth factors (GF), cytokines, and plasma proteins that are autologous and biologically active. Due to its ability to accelerate cellular wound healing, it has been in use since the 1970s.

Stem Cell Hair Transplant:

This procedure is similar to a traditional hair transplant. In this procedure, a small portion of skin is taken and hair follicles are harvested. The hair follicles are then produced in a lab and inserted back into the scalp where it has been lost. This enables hair to grow both where the follicles are transplanted and where they were removed from.

Wigs and Concealers:

If you do not want to take medications for hair growth as well as you do not want to have a hair transplant then you may switch towards wigs and concealers. Wigs may have different types. They can also be customized according to requirements. Usually, the dermatologist helps in selecting wigs.

Laser therapy:

This type of procedure is recommended by Food and Drug Administration for those who have hereditary hair loss. This improves the density of hair.

Hair Loss Prevention:

The following precautionary measure can be taken to reduce the loss of hair.

  • Loose hairstyles may help in less loss of hair. These styles tend to have less pressure on the scalp.
  • No touching, pulling or rubbing of your hair.
  • Hair must be dried with a towel after you take shower. Rubbing or twisting with the towel is prohibited.
  • Iron and proteins in the meal cause hair to become thick. You must incorporate those ingredients in the diet that help make hair strong.
  • Hair styling devices that use heat may be used at the lowest possible temperature.
  • Use gentle baby shampoo if you are experiencing hair loss frequently.
  • Do not wash your hair more frequently. Rather take shower only thrice a week or less.

Price of hair Loss treatment in Islamabad:

The cost of Hair Loss Treatment in Islamabad Pakistan may depend upon the type of procedure you choose. The final cost may consist of:

  • Cost of treatment
  • Cost of recovery
  • Cost of medications used
  • The degree of baldness
  • The type of procedure employed
  • The experience of the surgeon
  • The number of grafts in case of hair transplant
  • The availability of donor sites

Why Choose Royal Hair Transplant for Treatment of Hair Loss:

Choosing the best clinic and best trichologist is the main concern of anyone who is thinking of going to get the treatment for hair loss. We at Royal Hair Transplant Islamabad are blessed to have the services of the best hair transplant surgeons as well as dermatologists. Our following traits make us different from others:

  • We are devoted to innovation and a Personalized Approach for Each Unique Patient.
  • We’ve mastered a host of safe and effective treatments
  • We have over 25 years of experience in our field
  • We’ve hired passionate and qualified professionals
  • Thicker, better hair is just a free consultation away

So if you thinking about getting treatment for Hair Loss Treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan, you can contact us directly by calling us or filling out the form below. We are just one phone call away from you.